Join Us For The Next
Miss International Pageant

July 24th and 25th , 2025


The Accomplishments
Of Today's
Young Women ®

Miss Georgia International®


1. Which celebrity do you think you look like?
Hayden Panettiere

2. What is the strangest thing in your fridge?
Parmesan cheese for my dog. She eats like she’s dining at an Olive Garden.

3.What’s something you only do when you’re bored?
Zillow window shopping! Browsing extravagant mansions and unique houses is my favorite—especially the ones with insane features like secret rooms, indoor slides, or private islands!

4.What is a purchase you made that you immediately regretted?
During my freshman year of college I bought a dog, a Great Dane named Roo. Everyone told me it was a bad idea to have a dog in college, but I didn’t listen. That first night Roo chewed my favorite pair of shoes and I immediately had puppy regret. Luckily it didn’t last long and Roo and I are still besties 4 years later.

5.What kind of Barbie would you be?
“Weird Barbie” from the Barbie movie played by one of my favorite comedic actresses, Kate McKinnon.

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